We strategically join forces

Who we are

We are fuel cell & smart energy protagonists and would like to see the share of clean energy use to be substantial in our pre­sent generation. We have sub­stantial experience in electro chemical processes and sys­tems. “Back to basics; Dig deep to climb higher; Give me best or nothing;” are some of our idioms. We believe that even the best of technologies should be affor­dable for an average user.

Our technology

Research and development of electrochemical cells & systems, their core components with a view to recycle them is an essen­tial element of our tech­nology portfolio. User-friendliness and ease of adaptability are our primary focus. Dissemination & active cooperation with strategic public-private partnerships, adapta-tion to new & upcoming technologies, consultancy and technical guidance to large industries go hand in hand.

Our vision

Our vision is to make cost-effec­tive components for use in elec­tro chemical systems. Easy to use cell & pack designs used in hy­brid­ization are examples. One single electro- chemical  unit can serve as a fuel cell, gas purifier or air purifier. Fuel cells and batte­ries are complimentary to each other. We aspire to make energy use safe & clean. We are com­mit­ted to producing the BEST in PEM fuel cell & Battery techno­logies.